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Prosecco & Petals

Wedding planning guide

Easy bridal fitness plan

If you're looking to slim for your wedding day, forget the need for shelling out lots of money on personal training and costly diet apps. Instead, follow the below easy bridal fitness tips that will get you healthy results without causing you to stress out.

Bridal fitness: Get walking every day

Walking at a brisk pace, as if you have somewhere to get to, is a great calorie-burning exercise. It is best to start with a realistic goal of 5,000 steps each day and then add 1,000 steps to the daily amount each week. If you are prone to giving up easily, keep motivated by tracking your progress on a free pedometer app.

Bridal fitness tip: If you are conscious about streamlining your thighs, avoid too much hill walking, which will bulk up muscles rather than developing lean, elegant legs.

Bridal exercise: Get fit while at work

If you work in an office, get fit by using stairs instead of lifts or walking up escalators. Also, try to take extra walking breaks in the morning and walk further for your lunchtime snack.

Bridal exercise: High-intensity interval training

Core muscle exercises or fast-paced repetitions of specific exercise movements are an easy way to cram fitness in for those very short on time. Use down-time points in your daily routine, such as; running a bath, boiling a kettle and waiting for dinner to cook, to fit in short energising routines. A few minutes is all that is needed. Burpees, star jumps, and skipping are amongst the best HIIT exercises.

Bridal fitness tip: For those wanting to tone without getting a six-pack, avoid crunches and instead do exercises that will strengthen your side oblique muscles.

Bridal fitness: Exercise your social life

Take up a new class with a friend who you rarely get to see, get swimming on stressful days of the week or take dance classes with your partner. The best way to add exercise into your life and sustain it is to do something you enjoy that adds to your life rather than restricts time for others.

For cheap deals on classes try looking at your local gyms for introductory offers and discount websites such as; Groupon.

Bridal fitness: Dancing at home

Dancing is recognised to be one of the most beneficial exercises for longevity, suppleness and overall well-being. Dancing burns calories and creates a lean physique rather than bulking up muscles. Dancing at home with music is also totally free and pretty easy – no expertise needed.

Easy bridal diet plan - healthy food tips

80% of getting into shape is dependent on the food you eat, so making wise swaps and opting for high nutrient foods is the best way to ensure your body burns calories but doesn't burn out.

Boost water consumption by having a glass of water every mealtime and coffee break. Also, get the most out of your food by eating high nutrient vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats (below):

  • Nutrient high vegetables: Kale, peas, red and yellow peppers
  • Proteins: Turkey, chicken, salmon, prawns, and peanut butter
  • Fibre: Nuts, oats and grains,
  • Healthy fats: Olive oil, avocado and nuts

Bridal diet - food swaps

  • Swap milk chocolate for dark chocolate (70% or more) and put a couple of squares into your diet each day.
  • Make sure all your coffees are skinny (skimmed milk versions) this is not generally provided as a standard.
  • Swap a calorific dessert for greek yoghurt and guilt-free toppings such as; peanut butter, honey, dates and nuts.
  • Swap pasta and bread dishes for quinoa and couscous grain meals. These are super quick to make, and there are plenty of ready-made versions.
  • Swap fruit juices for fresh fruit. These have much more of the right fresh nutrients and will restrict your sugar intake.